Sunday, February 1, 2009

Forex Broker Interviews

Getting to know your Forex broker is very important if you want to trade with a large amount of money, or if you can't decide between two or more brokers. Interviews with the Forex brokers help to understand the broker's structure and its vision on the traders. If you are already trading actively with some broker, reading its answers on important questions will help you to get some insight on its future plans. Anyway, it is always interesting to know what some Forex broker thinks about what it is doing.

Interview with FXcast Forex Broker — my first interview with FXcast (at that time) rather new Forex broker, which is known for its no-spreads Swing trading platform and the variety of e-currencies accepted as a payment method.

Interview with FXOpen Forex Broker — questions to FXOpen head manager generally were about their rebranding, Islamic Forex trading and some other Forex related issues.

Interview with eToro — this interview is about eToro innovative Forex trading platform, which offers some of the most original ways to make money via Forex market combined with the intuitive interface.

Interview with FXCM — my first interview with such a large broker, it's mainly about various issues with FXCM, including managed accounts, Refco bankruptcy and other topics.

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