Sunday, February 1, 2009

Forex Advertising receives only high quality and extremely targeted traffic which comes mainly from search engines, online directories and Forex related forums. Visitors are highly interested in everything about Forex and financial trading. Constantly updated content keeps a large part of our auditory revisit on a regular basis.

The advertising rates are quite moderate, making your Forex advertisements an effective marketing tool. Buying Forex advertisements (banners or text link) will bring you only high quality targeted visitors.

Following types of Forex advertisements are currently available (all placement options are site-wide unless otherwise stated):

Site except Blog part and Russian language part

Banner advertisement rates:

  1. Top banner position, 468x60 (just below the title image) — $1200/month or $350/week. Unavailable
  2. Bottom banner position, 468x60 (just above the risk disclaimer) — $700/month or $200/week. Unavailable
  3. Menu banner position, 120x60 (under the site menu) — $350/month or $100/week. Available

Text link advertisement rates:

  1. Bottom text link position (just above the risk disclaimer) — $175/month or $50/week. Available
  2. Menu text link position (under the site menu) — $175/month or $50/week. Available
  3. Featured text link listing on the "Forex Resources" page — 250$/year. Featured link is showing in a bold style and appears above all non-featured links. Available

Blog part

Banner advertisement rates:

  1. Top banner position, 468x60 (just below the title) — $500/month or $150/week. Available
  2. Bottom banner position, 468x60 (just below all posts) — $350/month or $110/week. Available
  3. Menu banner position, 120x60 (just above MyBlogLog widget) — $250/month or $80/week. Available

Text link advertisement rates:

  1. Menu text link position (just above MyBlogLog widget) — $150/month or $45/week. Available

Russian language part

Banner advertisement rates:

  1. Top banner position, 468x60 (just below the title image) — $250/month or $75/week.Available
  2. Bottom banner position, 468x60 position (just above the risk disclaimer) — $175/month or $50/week.Available
  3. Menu banner position, 120x60 (under the site menu) — $150/month or $45/week. Available

Text link advertisement rates:

  1. Bottom text link position (just above the risk disclaimer) — $75/month or $25/week. Available
  2. Menu text link position (under the site menu) — $75/month or $25/week. Available
  3. Featured text link listing on the "Forex ресурсы" page — 125$/year. Featured link is showing in a bold style and appears above all non-featured links. Available

Additional information

Discount for 12-month orders — 10%.

Other banner positions and their rates can be negotiated.

Available methods of paying for the Forex advertising:

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